Difference between 12500 VC and 14601 VC

VC 12500 vs. VC 14601

Question:  Is there a difference between 12500 VC and 14601 VC?  They both seem to be driver license issues.

Answer: Yes. 12500 VC is driving without a valid license. 14601 VC is Driving while your license is suspended or revoked. Generally speaking, 14601 VC is a more serious charge than 12500 VC.

For starters, a 14601 VC (VC stands for Vehicle Code) adds 2 DMV points to your license.  Points on your license can increase your insurance premiums.  Further, if you accumulate too many DMV points in a specificed period of time (ie. 4 points in 12 months, etc), the DMV can suspended your driver license under a “Negligent Operator” suspension.

Additionally, a 14601 VC, or conviction under one of it’s subsections can have increased fines and jail time.  Plus where a 12500 VC is not a priorable offense, a 14601 VC is.  Meaning that if you get a second 14601 VC within the specified timeframe, the potential consequences can increase for a 2nd, or 3rd 14601 conviction, and so on, leading to increased potential jail time, etc.

Both VC 12500 and VC 14601 can be charged as misdemeanors.  So if you are charged with either of those, I would recommend that you speak with an attorney in your area about the charges.

In the meantime, click for additional information:  VC 14601 and VC 12500

I would be happy to talk to you about it.  Feel free to call me at (818) 336-1384 to set up a meeting to discuss further.


Phil Hache
Criminal, DUI and Traffic Defense Attorney