Agoura DUI and Criminal Defense Attorney
Agoura DUI and Criminal Defense Attorney
If you were arrested for a DUI or other Criminal offense in Agoura, it is important to have an Attorney who is familiar with the offense that you are being charged with.
It is also important to have a Lawyer who is familiar with the Court that your case will be heard in. Malibu court used to handle many matters that involved an arrest in Agoura. Since Malibu Court has closed, cases that may have been heard there in 2012 are now heard in Van Nuys Court or LAX / Airport court.
I am familiar with both courts, and successfully handle DUI and Criminal cases in both courts on a regular basis. Further, Van Nuys Court is very close to the Law Office of Philip D. Hache main office in Sherman Oaks, CA.
I have been trained in forensic science and forensic toxicology, and regularly use those skills to help defend my clients in Court and alcohol related DMV hearings.
I am a skilled and experienced DUI and criminal defense attorney and my goal is to get the best case results possible for my clients. I understand the importance of personalized and competent representation, and provide both and then some.
I understand for many of my clients that the night of their arrest was not their proudest moment. That does not mean that you still don’t deserve a good defense in an effort to mitigate consequences. I also know that some people are accused of committing a crime that did not occur like the police report states it did, or was not committed at all.
I am happy to talk to you over the phone or in person. The consultation is free. I can be reached at (818) 336-1384.
Whether you need aggressive defense for a pending DMV , Criminal Court matter or both, or for a post conviction issue or expungement, I would be happy to help you out.
Phil Hache
DUI & Criminal Defense Lawyer
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