Question: I have a DUI in San Fernando but have heard of a wet reckless…? What is the difference between a DUI and a wet and reckless?
Answer: They are different statutes. A wet reckless is generally speaking a lesser charge than a DUI, although it is still an... Read More
Question: How long will it take for a court date to be set after a second DUI in Van Nuys, CA?
Answer: Were you charged with a 2nd DUI? If so, the first court date (called the arraignment) should be listed on the... Read More
Question: What can I do if I have a misdemeanor DUI San Fernando, CA court date but moved out of state?
Answer: For a misdemeanor DUI charge, you do not need to be present at court dates if you have a Privately retained... Read More
Question: Will my someone who is underage get a DUI even if they blow under a .08? Is Burbank tough on DUI's for underage?
Answer: You can be charged with a DUI even if you blew under .08 pursuant to vehicle code 23152(a). Additionally, there is... Read More
Question: Can I be charged with a DUI but not given a reason for being pulled over? I was pulled over for DUI in Encino near Van Nuys with Court in Van Nuys, CA
Answer: If the cop did not have any probable cause for stopping you, it is possible to get the charges dismissed. This... Read More
Question: I have been charged in Burbank, CA for DUI with bodily injury 23153 (a) and 23153(b). 1st DUI, no major injuries by anyone involved. Can I get house arrest in stead of jail time?
Answer: I need to know more about your DUI case, but it may be possible to reduce the charge and resolve the... Read More
Question: Lost my Van Nuys DUI DMV hearing (handled myself…that was a mistake). What would I need to get my license back: SR-22 form, I already enrolled in 3 month school is there anything else.? my DUI San Fernando court date is 25th Jan.
Answer: If you lost a first offense DUI DMV hearing, I assume you are referring to the 30 hard suspension followed by... Read More