Question: What happens if I got stopped by the police in Studio City and I have a suspended license? It is suspended because of a DUI in Van Nuys, CA.
Amswer: You will likely be charged with a misdemeanor VC 14601.2 “driving on a suspended license” based on a DUI conviction. Also,... Read More
How will a Theft conviction effect my employment
How will a Theft conviction effect my employment Question: Is there anything I can do to keep my school and employer from... Read More
Question: Do I have any chance of fighting my DUI in San Fernado, Los Angeles? I was parked in my car (no driving) when cops arrested me.
Answer: Yes, you definitely have a chance of fighting this. Although they can file charges based on suspicion of DUI, one of... Read More
Convicted of a DUI in Van Nuys
Question: I was arrested for a DUI in Van Nuys and hired a DUI attorney. You were not my attorney, but I... Read More
How to qualify for a wet and reckless driving charge in San Fernando, CA
Question: I have a DUI in San Fernando, CA but I can not get convicted of a DUI because of my job.... Read More
Getting a Van Nuys DUI reduced
Question: I was arrested for a DUI in Van Nuys. If I get a DUI conviction on my record it is going... Read More
Question: Can I be arrested for a hit and run if the other driver was at fault, then left the scene before I did? I waited around for 20 minutes but Cops never showed.
Answer: They may have you on charges for hit & run, but if the other car took off and was the one... Read More