Question: Do I need an attorney if I was arrested for theft in Van Nuys, CA?
Answer: I would highly recommend hiring an attorney to defend you in this case. You want to avoid having a misdemeanor conviction... Read More
Question: How long will my probation period be for a VC 12500 Driving without a license in Metropolitan court Los Angeles, CA
Answer: That depends on your sentencing. I often can get VC 12500 driving without a license charges dismissed or reduced to an... Read More
Question: Does officer have to inform you of consequences of refusal for DUI in Los Angeles, CA? I did breath test at station, but not blood test
Answer: If you complied with giving a breath test, but the breath test was not registering, the officer should not have automatically... Read More
Question: If had a DUI in 1995 in San Fernando, CA. Then got another DUI in Van Nuys, CA in 2003, I was arrested then court ordered to take an AB541 but now they are saying I have to do a 6 month program because Courts changed jurisdiction?
Answer: I am also a little confused by the jurisdiction issue here. Can you clarify? Are you stating that initially your case... Read More
Question: How long before I can get a DUI expunged in Van Nuys, CA, how would you do it & would I have to tell potential employers ?
Answer: If you are not on probation, and have no other pending charges, then you are eligible for an expungement on your... Read More
Arrested for DUI in Van Nuys, CA with a .063 and .071 BAC. Am I going to Jail?
Under VC 23152(a), it is possible to charge you and potentially convict you for a DUI even if you are under .08... Read More
Question: I have a Van Nuys, CA DUI case coming up next week. Is it too late to hire a DUI Attorney?
Answer: It is not too late to hire a DUI Attorney to handle your DUI case in Van Nuys, CA, which is... Read More