Question: Is it true that my DUI conviction will automatically be off my record after 10 years? (Burbank Court)
Answer: That is not correct. It is possible to get your DUI conviction expunged (ie. dismissed), but it does not happen automatically.... Read More
Question: I have a DUI charge in San Fernando, but before that I got a 12500 charge in Van Nuys. What will happen now? Do I have to go to both court dates? Should I hire an attorney.
Answer: In my opinion, yes, you should hire an attorney. Either you (or your attorney) needs to appear at the Court dates... Read More
Question: I have heard certain Courts treat DUI’s differently. Does Pasadena Court treat a DUI good?
Answer: Well, I wouldn’t say that any Court treats a DUI good…. But there are worse Courts to be in on a... Read More
Question: Why did I get a DUI…I only had a few beers and was driving fine. Will it get dismissed? I am scared to go to Court. My friend had a DUI in Van Nuys and went to jail.
Answer: Well, it’s hard to say what will happen with your DUI case in Van Nuys court without having more information. Call... Read More
Question: I received a DUI and have a hearing coming up in San Fernando. Will they take me into custody at the hearing? It’s a first offense DUI with a .08 BAC
Answer: It is unlikely they will take you into custody at the arraignment based on what you listed in your question. Sounds... Read More
Question: Can an under-age 23152 DUI in Van Nuys Court revoke my permanent residentship?
Generally speaking, first offense DUI’s (without injury), by themselves, would not revoke your permanent residentship status. By law, the potential penalty for... Read More
Question: I have a DUI hearing coming up in San Fernando Court. I was never read my Miranda rights. Will my case get dismissed?
Answer: Well, without seeing more of the evidence they have against you, I can not say wether or not I think your... Read More