Probation violation for missing court date
If you were convicted of a misdemeanor or felony and subsequently missed a court date, you are likely facing bench warrant and probation violation issues
Culver City DUI and Criminal Defense Attorney
If you were arrested for a Criminal Charge, DUI or traffic violation in Culver CIty, call Attorney Phil Hache at (818) 336-1384 for a free initial consult.
Los Angeles DUI reduced to wet reckless
If you were arrested for a DUI in Los Angeles, this does not necessarily mean you have to be convicted of a DUI. Call 818-336-1384 for a free consultation.
Caught stealing
If you were caught stealing and have a prior theft conviction, the potential consequences can be more severe. I have been successful handling theft cases. Call me at (818) 336-1384 for a free consultation
Hollywood – DUI Attorney and Criminal Defense
Hollywood DUI or Criminal offense charge pending in Hollywood Court? Call Attorney Phil Hache at (818) 336-1384 for a free constulation
Century City DUI and Criminal Defense
Aggressive Century City DUI and Criminal Defense Attorney . Free consultation. Sincere, Personal, and Aggressive defense.
DUI charge with enhancements in San Fernando
If you have a DUI with enhancements in San Fernando, call me at 818-336-1384 for a free consultation.