Failed to do DUI classes
Question: I have a bench warrant in Van Nuys for missing my DUI classes 2 years ago and I am trying to... Read More
DUI and forced blood draw
Question: Got a dui in Los Angeles. had blood drawn outside in elements bent over the back of police car still in... Read More
Probation violation for dui bail
Question: Can I just show up to San Fernando court and be heard that day without turning myself in on a 1st... Read More
3rd DUI restricted driver license eligibility
3rd DUI restricted driver license eligibility Question: A friend of mine got his 3rd dui in Van Nuys, CA. When can he... Read More
DUI in Arizona but California resident
Question: I am a resident of Los Angeles, CA, and have a DUI in Arizona. I previously have a DUI in Los... Read More
DUI Community Service but not in CA
Question: I have been ordered by Van Nuys, CA court to Complete 80 hours of community service. I moved to Massachusetts and... Read More
Can i get a dui without being in car
Can i get a DUI without being in car? Question: I want to know if I can get a DUI without being in... Read More