Question: Are wet reckless convictions the same as DUI convictions? I have a Van Nuys DUI charge and I have been reading about wet reckless, but am unclear of the differences. Does it matter that I was pulled over on highway in Encino?
Answer: A wet reckless is generally speaking a lesser offense than a DUI, although both are classified as misdemeanors normally (note that... Read More
Question: I received a Driving with no license VC 12500 and a Petty Theft 484 within two weeks of each other. Both in San Fernando Court. Will this make things worse?
Answer: Well, obviously there are 2 charges now (as opposed to 1 or 0). But it also may be possible to combine... Read More
Question: I got a DUI in Woodland Hills and was convicted of 2nd DUI with lots of jail time…should have gotten an attorney I guess. Anyways,Do I need a lawyer who specialized in DUI to get a restricted license?
Answer: Sorry to hear about the outcome of your 2nd DUI case. Had you contacted me earlier, I may have been able... Read More
Question: Will a San Fernando dui charge and driving with a open container affect a separate civil lawsuit case that i'm involved with based on an accident in Sherman Oaks, CA? Should I inform my civil attorney of this?
Answer: You should inform your civil attorney of the current situation so your attorney can act accordingly to better represent you in... Read More
Drivers license suspension if I won DUI trial?
Drivers license suspension if I won DUI trial? Question: I got a Van Nuys DUI a few years ago. I had a... Read More
Florida's DUI/DWI Law Change Could Lead to Conviction of Sober People
Florida DUI/DWI Law Change could lead to conviction fo sober people SB 1810 is sitting in several Florida Senate committees and would... Read More
Question: How much jail time will I face for not going to a Los Angeles DUI Court date? I was out of state at the time of the Court date.
Answer: What court is the criminal charges in? And how long ago was the arraignment (the first Court date?) I would have... Read More