Question: What are the chances that I could get my San Fernando DUI dismissed? I was pulled over for not stoping when merging into traffic in San Fernando, CA…
Answer: This is a question I get often (…Can my DUI be dismissed). It is possible, but the case needs to be... Read More
Question: How can I get a DUI from San Fernando expunged from my record? Is it even possible to get a DUI expunged? Someone told me it used to be, but not anymore.
Answer: Yes, it is possible to get your DUI expunged. You need to have complied with all of the terms of your... Read More
In 9-0 Ruling in US v. Jones , U.S. Supreme Court Declares Warrantless GPS Use by Police Unconstitutional
In a unanimous ruling in United States v. Jones , the U.S. Supreme Court declared that police must get a search warrant... Read More
Question: I have a drug charge in Malibu Court. What is the penalty?
Answer: What is the specific drug charge? Is it a possession, intent to sell, sales charge, etc. What is the drug? What... Read More
Driving without a license is not a felony
Driving without a license is not a felony Question: I was charged with a VC 12500 driving without a license in Los... Read More
Question: What exactly is the DUI Law in Los Angeles, CA? What if my BAC for DUI was below .08?
Answer: In CA, you can be charged with, and convicted of a DUI even if your blood alcohol percentage is below a... Read More
Question: Can I contact my girlfriend in jail if I am on probation for Probation in Los Angeles?
Answer: Unless there is some specific court order that says you are not supposed to contact or go near her, then there... Read More