Will there be jail time for a DUI
Question: I was arrested for a DUI and driving on a suspended license in Santa Clarita, CA. How much jail time am... Read More
Lost DMV hearing but DUI case not yet filed
Question: lost dmv hearing in Los Angeles, DUI court case was never filed six months ago help… Answer: The prosecutor has 1... Read More
Clearing up arrest record if charges not filed
Question: I was arrested for misdemeanor “23152A VC-DUI alcohol” DUI in Van Nuys, CA almost 4 years ago. I got a background... Read More
Interlock restriction for 2nd DUI even if I sit out a year
Question: Can I do a 1 year hard suspension on my license and receive a restricted licence, or do I have to... Read More
charged with driving on a suspended license VC 14601.2
Question: I was charged with a VC 14601.2 driving on a suspended license in Los Angeles. I had a 2nd DUI in... Read More
When does my drivers license get taken off suspension after a DUI arrest
Question: I was arrested for a DUI in Van Nuys, CA in July 2009, but wasn’t actually sentenced until October. I was... Read More
What if I was never arrested for a petty theft in San Fernando
Question: I used to shoplift at a store 6 years ago in San Fernando, CA and I wonder if it can it... Read More