Possession of marijuana charge in Los Angeles but passed drug test
Question: Will passing a drug test by my employer help me get out of a possession of marijuana charge? I was charged... Read More
2nd DUI in Orange County for prescription drugs
Question: Got 2nd DUI in 4/2012 for Rx drugs, 1st alcohol 3/2007. Went to court yesterday plead not guilty, the PD I... Read More
New Deferred Action program of the Department of Homeland Security
Question: I was arrested for DUI in Reseda with my DUI case in Van Nuys. Will I qualify for the new deferred... Read More
First DUI in CA do i get my liscense back after suspension
Question: I got a dui in Los Angeles, CA. My blood was a .10 my liscense was suspended for 4 months the... Read More
DUI in L.A. but no brethalizer given
Question: My boyfriend was pulled over for DUI in Los Angeles but was not drinking. Is there any grounds for arrest? The... Read More
How much money is too much for an experienced DUI attorney in Los Angeles
Question: How much $ is too much for an experienced DUI attorney in Los Angeles, CA? I have a DUI in Torrance,... Read More
Will I go to jail for underage drinking and open container in Los Angeles
Question: Will I go to jail for underage drinking and open container in Los Angeles? Answer: On that alone, most likely not.... Read More