ticketed for not having a california license
Question: I got a ticket couple of days ago for driving without a valid California driving license. I have a valid Indian... Read More
.08 BAC can i get charges reduced
Question: I have a 1st DUI with a .08 BAC in Burbank, CA. Any chance of getting the charges reduced? Answer: Yes.... Read More
DUI charge dismissed if warrant old
Question: I’ve been avoiding a second offense DUI for four years, is there anything in the statute of limitations that says i... Read More
2nd DUI reduced to lesser charge
Question: If I have a DUI in Los Angeles from 2008, and a second DUI in San Fernando, CA, can I get... Read More
DUI with 28 BAC
Question: What am I looking at with a dui in Van Nuys CA, with a bac of .28 and what can a... Read More
can I avoid a DUI conviction
Question: Is there a way out of DUI in Van Nuys ? What can I do to avoid getting convicted for DUI?... Read More
will dui conviction effect job prospects
Question : Will my work chances get affected by DUI? Are there employers who will not hire me simply for a DUI... Read More