Breath test didn't work and now charged with refusal
Question: I was charged with a dwi and i was giving a breathalyzer at the scene where i blew a .123. They... Read More
Probation violation for DUI
Question: Convicted for DUI 8 years ago, and part of the probation terms (AA classes and alcohol school). I was arrested recently,... Read More
2nd DUI with refusal
Question: If am am convicted of a 2nd DUI with a refusal in Los Angeles county in Van Nuys Court, will I... Read More
Breath but no blood equals DUI refusal?
Question: I was arrested I gave breath test but refused blood test. Now I am being charged with refusal. How can this... Read More
Expungement of underage drinking
Question: I recently plead guilty for underage drinking. I read somewhere that an attorney can petition the court to remove the charge... Read More
.04 BAC under 21 DUI
Question: I am 18 year old and arrested for DUI in Santa Clarita, CA with a .04 BAC. I was not driving... Read More
two people charged with DUI
Question: My boyfriend and I were pulled into a parking lot, got out of the car in San Fernando, CA. The engine... Read More