Did not complete my court work program for my San Fernando DUI
Did not complete my court work program for my San Fernando DUI Question: I was convicted of a DUI recently and some... Read More
Getting the felony expunged
Getting the felony expunged Question: Is it possible to keep employers form seeing my Van Nuys felony? I have a felony conviction... Read More
Question: How can I get my license back after four DUIs? First DUI in Van Nuys, Second DUI in Simi Valley, Third DUI in San Fernando, Fourth DUI in Van Nuys.
Answer: What were the years of your DUI’s? Did you comply with the terms of probation for all of them? I need... Read More
Question: Can we be charged for damages in Los Angeles to a Hotel Room in that we did not commit and room was not under our name?
Answer: Well, if the room was checked out to your friends name, then he will likely be held responsible for the damages... Read More
Question: What can I do if I was accused of a crime in Van Nuys, CA that was found to be false?
Answer: Retain a defense attorney to defend you in Van Nuys Court. I need more info about your case to better assess.... Read More
Question: How can I avoid a guilty plea for PC 484 Petty Theft in Los Angeles LAX / Airport Court?
Answer: First step is to hire a criminal defense attorney. I have had success getting charges in similar situations reduced to trespass... Read More
Question: My daughter was arrested in Van Nuys for DUI close to the house in Sherman Oaks, CA. She passed the field sobbriety test, but had a 0.82 Breath test.
Answer: How old is your daughter? Over or under 21 years old. That can make a big difference with regards to the... Read More