Question: Will my obstructing charges be dropped, if my boyfriend’s charges were dropped? He was pulled over for DUI and I was yelling at cops since they had no right to pull him over (and I was drunk)
Answer: That is an interesting situation. It could go either way, but I would advise consulting with an attorney about your matter... Read More
Question: Am I criminally liable for the fraud committed by another person?
Answer: This is a tough question to answer based on such little information. I would recommend consulting with and potentially hiring an... Read More
Question: I was caught in possession of marijuana with no intent to sell or anything of that sort. I was written a court date in a month, but lost the paper but I believe they are supposed to send a notice in the mail. What can I do about it and how long do I wait? What happens if I miss my Marijuana possession charge in Van Nuys Court?
Answer: I would not wait on notice to be mailed if they gave you a written citation with a court date on... Read More
Question: Are there any payment plans for misdemeanor DUI Burbank, CA expungement?
Answer: Are you referring to a payment plan to hire an attorney to handle the petitioning process for you? If so, then... Read More
Question: What will happen at the DMV hearing after my friend gets a DUI in San Fernando, CA?
Answer: The DMV hearing is set up to determine whether your drivers license will be suspended or not. There is more info... Read More
Question: What can I do about the warrant for not showing up to my DUI in Van Nuys, CA?
Answer: You will need to Van Nuys court to have the warrant recalled and quashed (and hopefully without an additional penalty). I... Read More
Question: Is it normal to be fired for a DUI? I was convicted with DUI in San Fernando, CA.
Answer: I have heard of this, particularly where the job duties entail driving. I have had situations where clients were driving, and... Read More