Question: My first DUI in San Fernando, CA was when I was 17. My records were supposed to be sealed. I got another DUI conviction in Van Nuys, CA 8 months ago (I am 20 now). I need to be able to drive to work to pay for all my court costs. How can I get a restricted license?
Answer: Although the Van Nuys Court likely convicted you of a 1st offense DUI since you were a minor when you received... Read More
Question: Can dmv require an IID to reinstate my license when I don't have a car? I was convicted of a 1st DUI in Burbank (didn't hire an attorney). I just got letter from DMV about IID. Apparently Los Angeles requires IID on DUI conviction???
Answer: Yes, there are 4 counties in California (Counties of Alameda, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and Tulare) that require Interlock devices with a... Read More
Question: What happens after I complete ALL my conditions for my 1st DUI in Van Nuys, CA? Curious about job implications of DUI conviction.
Answer: Make sure you show the court proof of completion of everything by the due date. The next thing for you to... Read More
Question: Previous DWI in NY. Would a DUI in Airport Court, Los Angeles, California be counted as my second DUI offense?
Answer: First question is, how long ago was your NY DUI/DWI? If it was more than 10 years ago from your more... Read More
Question: Will I go to jail for not completing my court ordered DUI program based on DUI in Burbank, CA?
Answer: You should speak to a DUI attorney in person or by phone more specifically about your sitiation. A lot will depend... Read More
Question: What happens if you get DUIs in multiple states? I have 1 DUI in Van Nuys, CA, a 2nd DUI in San Fernando, CA, and a new DUI in Arizona.
Answer: If your two prior DUI’s in California are within the statute period to count as a prior per Arizona law, then... Read More
Question: Is it possible to get 484 petty theft off my record? The petty theft is from Van Nuys, CA
Answer: It is possible to have the conviction expunged/dismissed. There are many advantages to this, and I have more detailed information about... Read More