Under age DUI
Under age DUI Question: Can you get a dui in los angeles while under age? My friend said that he thought that... Read More
Question: 2 DUI arrests in 3 weeks. 1st DUI in San Fernando, 2nd DUI in Glendale, CA. Will this mean jail?
Answer: Well good news is that you won’t have a probation violation issue (based on these 2 DUI’s anyways…unless you were on... Read More
Question: My boyfriend is in jail for a DUI. Was arrested in San Fernando for DUI tonight and still in jail. Can you get him out?
Answer: Do you know any of the issues behind the DUI? Was there an accident causing injury? Any other charges on top... Read More
Question: Can cop pull me over for weaving within a lane then arrest me for DUI? This was a cop in North Hollywood .
Answer: It may be possible to get the DUI charges dismissed based on lack of probable cause to pull you over for... Read More
Question: I was convicted of a DUI in Van Nuys and have to do community service. Can I do it anywhere?
Answer: No, you need to go through Van Nuys Court community service office to coordinate this. Did you have a DUI attorney... Read More
Question: Will I lose my license if I have a DUI conviction? Is there a way to get San Fernando DUI attorney to avoid license suspension?
Answer: If the DUI is reduced to a a lesser offense, and your attorney wins the DMV hearing, then you can avoid... Read More
Question: Second offense DUI in Van Nuys, CA…consequences? 1st DUI was in Burbank, CA. Can I get a statement from the bartender saying I only had 2 drinks?
Answer: You can have the bartender testify on your behalf at trial, but if you had 2 drinks and were above the... Read More