Question: Is it a legal DUI arrest when they failed to read my Miranda rights?
Question: Is it a legal DUI arrest when the Officer failed to read Miranda rights? I was arrested for a DUI after... Read More
How much for a 2nd DUI in Van Nuys?
Question: How much for a DUI Attorney for a 2nd DUI in Van Nuys? 1st DUI (12 years ago) was also in Van... Read More
Question: I was arrested for a DUI in Van Nuys with DUI case in Van Nuys Court coming up. Where do I go in Court? What happens if I am late for the DUI hearing?
Question: I was arrested for a DUI in Van Nuys with DUI case in Van Nuys Court coming up. Where do I... Read More
Question: Can my DUI case be dismissed if the officer didn’t read my Miranda Rights? DUI in San Fernando, CA. Need DUI defense attorney to help fight this!
Answer: If the officer didn’t read you your miranda rights, it may be possible to suppress statements you made to the police... Read More
What can I do if I was arrested?
What can I do if I was arrested? Question: I was caught with some drugs on me but it was a very... Read More
Question: Can I be charged with a DUI if the car was not on? The cop approached me in Encino with DUI court in Van Nuys, CA
Answer: It is possible to get charged with a DUI, but actual driving is an element that the proscutor will have to... Read More
Question: How do I clear a twelve year old DUI misdemeanor off my record?
Answer: It may be possible to get the conviction for DUI expunged (ie. dismissed). You can view my website for more info... Read More