Question: Will I go to jail for not completing my court ordered DUI program based on DUI in Burbank, CA?
Answer: You should speak to a DUI attorney in person or by phone more specifically about your sitiation. A lot will depend on how long you had to complete your work program, how far you got in the program, etc. I may be able to get the DUI program reinstated avoiding any other consequences (ie.... Read More
Question: What happens if you get DUIs in multiple states? I have 1 DUI in Van Nuys, CA, a 2nd DUI in San Fernando, CA, and a new DUI in Arizona.
Answer: If your two prior DUI’s in California are within the statute period to count as a prior per Arizona law, then Arizona will likely charge this new offense as a 3rd DUI. Plus, your f may have issues in California for a probation violation. You should consult with a qualified DUI attorney that is... Read More
Question: Is it possible to get 484 petty theft off my record? The petty theft is from Van Nuys, CA
Answer: It is possible to have the conviction expunged/dismissed. There are many advantages to this, and I have more detailed information about expungements listed at . I have successfully expunged misdemeanor and felony charges, and can assist you in this matter. You can call me at 818-336-1384 if you would like to discuss your... Read More
Question: How much would do you charge for criminal defense attorney be for a shoplifting petty theft case with court in San Fernando, CA?
Answer: It really depends on your situation. Is it a first time offense? Or are there priors? Call me at 818-336-1384 and we can discuss your case in more detail and I can give you a quote at that time. Having a privately retained attorney has many benefits, including getting personal attention that a lot... Read More
Question: How can I get my sentencing date extended on a DUI in Burbank? I have a Burbank DUI attorney but he hasn't called me back
Answer: Have your DUI attorney advance the court date and request the extension. It may or may not be granted, but some judges may go along with it if there is good reason. Phil Hache, Criminal Defense & DUI Attorney Handling DUI and Criminal matters throughout Courts in Southern California including Van Nuys, CA,... Read More
Driving with a suspended license based on DUI
Question: What happens when I get pulled over driving with a suspended license based on DUI in Van Nuys? My DUI conviction is from about a year ago but I never got everything together to get my driver license reinstated. Answer: Depending on the situation, you would likely get arrested, booked and released on a... Read More
Question: How do I know if charges were filed against me after being stopped by police in Encino for DUI? Do I need an Encino DUI Attorney to look into it? He told me he stopped me for dui investigation, went back to his motorcycle for 15 minutes..and that was it.
Answer: Well first, you don’t necessarily need an “Encino DUI Lawyer” to look into it. Any DUI attorney licensed in California can do so, although I would recommend a local DUI attorney (such as myself, office in Sherman Oaks). Where was the cop the whole time? Sitting behind you on your motorcycle? If so, did... Read More