Question: I have a DUI in San Fernando but have heard of a wet reckless…? What is the difference between a DUI and a wet and reckless?
Answer: They are different statutes. A wet reckless is generally speaking a lesser charge than a DUI, although it is still an alcohol related conviction and is priorable for DUI purposes. Usually the overall penalties are less for a wet reckless. Some employers seem to have issues with a DUI conviction but will let a... Read More
Question: How long will it take for a court date to be set after a second DUI in Van Nuys, CA?
Answer: Were you charged with a 2nd DUI? If so, the first court date (called the arraignment) should be listed on the citation you received (listing the court…Van Nuys Court, and the date of the arraignment). Call me at 818-336-1DUI to discuss further. Phil Hache, Criminal Defense & DUI Attorney Handling DUI and Criminal... Read More
Question: What can I do if I have a misdemeanor DUI San Fernando, CA court date but moved out of state?
Answer: For a misdemeanor DUI charge, you do not need to be present at court dates if you have a Privately retained attorney representing you. There are some exceptions to this, but I highly doubt one of those exceptions it would be an issue in your case for a DUI as it is likely that... Read More
Question: Will my someone who is underage get a DUI even if they blow under a .08? Is Burbank tough on DUI's for underage?
Answer: You can be charged with a DUI even if you blew under .08 pursuant to vehicle code 23152(a). Additionally, there is a zero tolerance if a person is under 21 and driving. Also, see VC 23140. (a) It is unlawful for a person under the age of 21 years who has 0.05 percent or... Read More
Question: Can I be charged with a DUI but not given a reason for being pulled over? I was pulled over for DUI in Encino near Van Nuys with Court in Van Nuys, CA
Answer: If the cop did not have any probable cause for stopping you, it is possible to get the charges dismissed. This is often done by what is called a 1538 suppression motion. If that is successful, then everything after the stop basically goes away, including the charges. Feel free to contact me through Read More
Question: I have been charged in Burbank, CA for DUI with bodily injury 23153 (a) and 23153(b). 1st DUI, no major injuries by anyone involved. Can I get house arrest in stead of jail time?
Answer: I need to know more about your DUI case, but it may be possible to reduce the charge and resolve the case without jail time at all. If there is jail time, House Arrest may be possible. You should have a DUI attorney handle this case for you as it is a serious one.... Read More
Question: Lost my Van Nuys DUI DMV hearing (handled myself…that was a mistake). What would I need to get my license back: SR-22 form, I already enrolled in 3 month school is there anything else.? my DUI San Fernando court date is 25th Jan.
Answer: If you lost a first offense DUI DMV hearing, I assume you are referring to the 30 hard suspension followed by a 5 month work restricted license option. You would also need to pay a reissue fee. You should hire an experienced DUI attorney to handle the San Fernando Court criminal matter as it... Read More