Question: Arrested for DUI in Van Nuys,Ca. During a blood draw only one vile was taken. Do they require two viles for testing?
Answer: They only need to draw enough blood to run what is called a “blood split,” meaning…enough for you to have an independent lab run their own blood test to potentially challenge the prosecutors results. Talk to your DUI attorney about running a blood split in more detail. If you do not have a DUI... Read More
Question: First DUI case in Van Nuys, CA – How or who determines the arraignment date?
Answer: Usually the citation that was issued to you will list the arraignment date on it. If that is not the case, contact the criminal clerk at the Court where your matter will be heard. They should be able to tell you if your case is filed and when the arraignment date is. Note that... Read More
Question: I was arrested for DUI in Studio City without the DRIVING. DUI hearing in Van Nuys, CA. Will this DUI charge be dismissed?
Answer: If the City Attorney has problems establishing actual driving, then it is possible to get charges dismissed or reduced to a lesser offense. Depending on the circumstances around your DUI case, the prosecutor may have trouble establishing what your BAC was at the time of driving. You should consult a DUI attorney in Van... Read More
Question: What is the difference between a DUI in San Fernando Court and a wet and reckless (San Fernando, same Court…)?
Answer: They are different statutes. A wet reckless is generally speaking a lesser charge than a DUI, although it is still an alcohol related conviction and is priorable for DUI purposes. Usually the overall penalties are less for a wet reckless. Some employers seem to have issues with a DUI conviction but will let a... Read More
Missed court date for misdemeanor VC 12500 Driving without a license
Missed court date for misdemeanor VC 12500 Driving without a license Question: What happens if I miss court date for misdemeanor VC 12500 Driving without a license in Metropolitan court in Los Angeles, CA? I have a court date coming up in a couple of weeks and I bought a plane ticket to visit my... Read More
Question: Second offense DUI in Van Nuys, CA…consequences? 1st DUI in Torrance, CA in 2008. Can Bartender knows I only had 2 drinks testify at trial?
Answer: You can have the bartender testify on your behalf at trial, but if you had 2 drinks and were above the legal limit, it may not be enough. What kind of drinks were they? How much alcohol in them, etc.? These are all issues that would be brought up. There are likely other defenses... Read More
Question: What happens if I was caught stealing for the second time? First petty theft conviction in Airport Court los angeles, CA. New stealing charge in San Fernando, CA.
Answer: It really depends on the situation. What was it that you stole (value? petty theft? grand theft? What court is it in? I would recommend hiring a criminal defense attorney to handle this matter for you.Feel free to contact me at 818-336-1384 to discuss your case in more detail. I have gotten petty theft... Read More