DUI while driving on a suspended license
DUI while driving on a suspended license Question: What happens if you get a DUI while driving on a suspended license? I have a DUI in San Fernando, CA court date that is set for next month. I know the DUI is a big problem. How much worse is it with the suspended license issue.... Read More
Police report for DUI
Police report for DUI Question: I was arrested for DUI by LAPD last week. I am curious to see what the officer put in my police report. He asked me to do balance tests which I did and think I did good, but I was arrested for DUI still. I blew into the machine as well... Read More
Question: Can I be arrested for stolen property if I do not know where it came from?
Answer: Are you being charged with receiving stolen property? or stealing property (ie. Petty Theft, Grand Theft, etc)? Or are you simply inquiring about whether you could get in trouble for buying stolen property? If you know the property is stolen, there can be consequences for buying it, even if you don’t know who it... Read More
Under age DUI
Under age DUI Question: Can you get a dui in los angeles while under age? My friend said that he thought that you had to be over 21 to get a DUI since the legal drinking age is 21. I did a google check on it but I am finding some confusing information of DUI... Read More
Question: 2 DUI arrests in 3 weeks. 1st DUI in San Fernando, 2nd DUI in Glendale, CA. Will this mean jail?
Answer: Well good news is that you won’t have a probation violation issue (based on these 2 DUI’s anyways…unless you were on probation for something else already). If there are 2 DUI convictions, that will mean jail time. How much jail time is the question. Or, if you can get one or both of the... Read More
Question: My boyfriend is in jail for a DUI. Was arrested in San Fernando for DUI tonight and still in jail. Can you get him out?
Answer: Do you know any of the issues behind the DUI? Was there an accident causing injury? Any other charges on top of the DUI charges? If not, and it is filed as a misdemeanor, he will likely be released in 6-12 hours after arrest. He will need a good DUI lawyer to defend him... Read More
Question: Can cop pull me over for weaving within a lane then arrest me for DUI? This was a cop in North Hollywood .
Answer: It may be possible to get the DUI charges dismissed based on lack of probable cause to pull you over for leaving “within” a lane. How far was the cop following you far? Call me at 818-336-1DUI to discuss further. You will need an experienced DUI attorney to handle your case. Phil Hache, Criminal... Read More