Question: I was convicted of a DUI in Van Nuys and have to do community service. Can I do it anywhere?
Answer: No, you need to go through Van Nuys Court community service office to coordinate this. Did you have a DUI attorney handle your case? They should be able to help you out with this. Phil Hache, Criminal Defense & DUI Attorney Handling DUI and Criminal matters throughout Courts in Southern California including Van... Read More
Question: Will I lose my license if I have a DUI conviction? Is there a way to get San Fernando DUI attorney to avoid license suspension?
Answer: If the DUI is reduced to a a lesser offense, and your attorney wins the DMV hearing, then you can avoid a license suspension. If there is a DUI conviction, then there will be a license suspension. You should contact a DUI attorney to handle your case. Call me at 818-336-1DUI to discuss your... Read More
Question: Second offense DUI in Van Nuys, CA…consequences? 1st DUI was in Burbank, CA. Can I get a statement from the bartender saying I only had 2 drinks?
Answer: You can have the bartender testify on your behalf at trial, but if you had 2 drinks and were above the legal limit, it may not be enough. What kind of drinks were they? How much alcohol in them, etc.? These are all issues that would be brought up. There are likely other defenses... Read More
DUI charge with prior DUI's – How does a DUI impact someone with prior DUI misdemeanor charges?
DUI charge with prior DUI’s – How does a DUI impact someone with prior DUI misdemeanor charges? Question: How does a DUI impact someone with misdemeanor charges? I have prior DUI’s 11+ years ago in Van Nuys and San Fernando. New DUI is in Torrance, CA from the other week and I told the officer... Read More
Question: Will I have a public record for a citation for public intoxication in Van Nuys, CA?
Answer: If there is a conviction for a misdemeanor Public intoxication, then it will be on your record. You should consult with an attorney about handling your case to see about getting it dismissed or reduced to an infraction. Just because there is a citation does not mean there will be a “conviction” on your... Read More
Question: Is a hit and run a felony in California? I have a prior DUI conviction in San Fernando, CA.
Answer: Where there any injuries at the scene? If not, it will likely be charged as a misdemeanor. Nothing to take lightly though. The fact that you have a prior DUI (but not charged with a DUI in this incident) should not raise the hit and run to a felony automatically. You should hire an... Read More
Van Nuys DMV for a recent DUI
Van Nuys DMV for a recent DUI Question: What do I need to have prepared for my dmv hearing in Van Nuys DMV for a recent DUI? I am about to lose my drivers license for a year and that will totally crush me! I need my license for work and school and for everything... Read More