Two breath tests

Two breath tests Question:  I was arrested for a DUI the other night.  At the time of my arrest I was very nervous and because I was so nervous I was not thinking clearly.  What I can’t figure out is why the officer had me blow in to two different breath machines?  Was the first...
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Will the Prosecutor charge me with a DUI enhancement if my ticket does not state the DUI enhancement? DUI in San Fernando Court if that makes a difference.

Answer: It is possible that there will be an additional penalty for having a .15 or higher BAC, but that, along with everything else, can be fought. Sounds like there are some good starting points to defending your case. 1. can they prove actual driving? 2. If they can prove driving, can they prove time...
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Question: Can you wait 4 weeks in Van Nuys, California DUI case before testing blood for alcohol? Is it accurate if the blood is not tested within 12-24 hrs?

Answer: Assuming there were was the correct amount of preservative in the blood sample, it was properly stored, the preservative was properly mixed when the blood was first put into the vial…etc..then it’s possible that the blood tested 4 weeks later could still be fairly accurate. But that’s a lot of ifs. You should consult...
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