Question: What will happen with my first DUI? Case is in San Fernando Court.
Answer: After being charged with a DUI, there will be an arraignment set up (which is the first court date). This generally where your attorney will begin negotiating with the prosecutor in defending your case. After which comes pre-trial hearings where negotiations can continue, and potential other motions with the court. If the case is... Read More
Question: Can I be charged of shoplifting if my friend was the one who was committing this crime in a store in Encino?
Attorney: It is possible that they will charge you with petty theft or similar crime depending on the amount in question. You can call me at 818-336-1384 to discuss further. If you were not involved, you should have a Criminal defense attorney defend your case. The sooner you get a Criminal defense attorney involved, the... Read More
Question Detail: I had a court date for PC 484 petty theft in Airport Court/LAX Court in Los Angeles, but didn’t get the notice in the mail until after the court date, so now I have a warrant. Is there a late fee? and how do I go about taking care of it?
Answer: You need to go to Airport court to try to get the warrant for the Petty Theft recalled and quashed. You can call me at 818-336-1384 to discuss further. In any event, I would recommend hiring an Criminal Defense attorney to handle this matter as well as your case. Phil Hache, Criminal Defense &... Read More
Question: Arrested for DUI in San Fernando with DUI court date in San Fernando COurt. My ticket says 23152(a) only. What are the chances I’ll be charged with an enhancement later in court in January? What can I expect fine wise? First offense DUI. BAC .18. I was parked in car when approached by Cop
Answer: It is possible that there will be an additional penalty for having a .15 or higher BAC, but that, along with everything else, can be fought. Sounds like there are some good starting points to defending your case. 1. can they prove actual driving? 2. If they can prove driving, can they prove time... Read More
Question: second DUI, hit and run, accident ( no property damage, no injuries, other than my car it self) what is the maximum jail time for this if the offender rejects the probation? DUI was in San Feranando, CA. Also, is DUI conviction automatically expunged.
Answer: First, I would recommend discussing your case in more detail with a DUI attorney. For a 2nd DUI itself, not including the hit & run, the jail sentence without probation can be between 90 – 365 days. Your license would be suspended by the DMV based on a DUI conviction, and potentially separately by... Read More
Question: I got to court today to find out the papers have not been filed for my dui case in Van Nuys, CA. Already had the DMV hearing. Should I enroll in an alcohol program in Los Angeles?
Answer: What was your BAC level? Did the DMV suspend your license already? If so, AND you want to get a restricted license, you will have to enroll in the alcohol program in order to get the restricted license. If the DMV has not taken any action against your license or if they have but... Read More
DUI arrest no miranda rights
DUI arrest no miranda rights Question: Is it okay to have a DUI arrest no miranda rights read? Can I fight against my DUI arrest if I was questioned without my miranda rights read to me in Encino, CA? I thought that if that was the case they can not arrest me and have to dismiss... Read More