Question: What happens if I got stopped by the police in Studio City and I have a suspended license? It is suspended because of a DUI in Van Nuys, CA.
Amswer: You will likely be charged with a misdemeanor VC 14601.2 “driving on a suspended license” based on a DUI conviction. Also, if you are on probation, you may have a probation violation issue. You can reach me at 818-336-1DUI. Phil Hache, Criminal Defense & DUI Attorney Handling DUI and Criminal matters throughout Courts... Read More
How will a Theft conviction effect my employment
How will a Theft conviction effect my employment Question: Is there anything I can do to keep my school and employer from finding out about my theft? I was arrested recently for stealing about $40 worth of stuff from a store and getting caught. I know I screwed up, but it is my first offense... Read More
Question: Do I have any chance of fighting my DUI in San Fernado, Los Angeles? I was parked in my car (no driving) when cops arrested me.
Answer: Yes, you definitely have a chance of fighting this. Although they can file charges based on suspicion of DUI, one of the elements of the crime is actual driving. I would recommend consulting with a DUI defense attorney to discuss your case in more detail. Feel free to contact me at 818-336-1DUI or through... Read More
Convicted of a DUI in Van Nuys
Question: I was arrested for a DUI in Van Nuys and hired a DUI attorney. You were not my attorney, but I was wondering if you could clarify something for me. My friend had a DUI in Ventura and was convicted not too long before I was convicted. Based on what he told me, his... Read More
How to qualify for a wet and reckless driving charge in San Fernando, CA
Question: I have a DUI in San Fernando, CA but I can not get convicted of a DUI because of my job. I drive for work. How can I qualify for a wet and reckless driving charge in San Fernando, CA instead of a DUI? My blood alcohol level was a .09 BAC. I have... Read More
Getting a Van Nuys DUI reduced
Question: I was arrested for a DUI in Van Nuys. If I get a DUI conviction on my record it is going to create some complications with my job since I drive for work. What can I do to have my Van Nuys DUI reduced? Is it even possible to get that done? Answer: What... Read More
Question: Can I be arrested for a hit and run if the other driver was at fault, then left the scene before I did? I waited around for 20 minutes but Cops never showed.
Answer: They may have you on charges for hit & run, but if the other car took off and was the one at fault, then you should fight it. How bad was the accident? What was the property damage? Did the other driver come back to the scene at some point? Also, driving on a... Read More