Question: Can my DUI case be dismissed if the officer didn’t read my Miranda Rights? DUI in San Fernando, CA. Need DUI defense attorney to help fight this!
Answer: If the officer didn’t read you your miranda rights, it may be possible to suppress statements you made to the police after you were arrested. It does not automatically get your DUI dismissed though. Contact a DUI attorney to discuss your case and potential defenses (above and beyond a motion to suppress). Feel free... Read More
What can I do if I was arrested?
What can I do if I was arrested? Question: I was caught with some drugs on me but it was a very small amount. The cop said he was thinking about letting me go, but I was still arrested. I really don’t want to have a criminal record or go to jail if it can... Read More
Question: Can I be charged with a DUI if the car was not on? The cop approached me in Encino with DUI court in Van Nuys, CA
Answer: It is possible to get charged with a DUI, but actual driving is an element that the proscutor will have to prove. They may be relying on a 911 call of a civilian who saw driving and reported your plate. Although someone can always call and make that up as well.It is important to... Read More
Question: How do I clear a twelve year old DUI misdemeanor off my record?
Answer: It may be possible to get the conviction for DUI expunged (ie. dismissed). You can view my website for more info on the process and call me if you would like assistance in handling it. Is the DUI conviction in Los Angeles? and if so, what Court in Los Angeles County? Van Nuys, San... Read More
Question: What should we do if my daughter was caught shoplifting? She has a Court date in Los Angeles and need a criminal defense attorney I think.
Answer: It may be possible to get this charge dismissed or reduced to an infraction. Contact me at 818-336-1384 if you would like to discuss the case in private in more detail. I have had success in getting petty theft charges like this dismissed or reduced to infractions even when the total amount in question... Read More
Question: Do I have to take a breathalyzer if I am stopped and suspected of and arrested for DUI in Los Angeles, CA?
Answer: If pulled over for a DUI investigation and the officer asks you to do a breath or blood test and you refuse, you will likely be charged with a refusal “enhancement.” If it sticks, then there will likely be additional penalties that would include a longer alcohol program requirement and a 1 year license... Read More
Question: Is it possible to get a 23152 DUI reduced to a reckless driving charge with a DUI Attorney in Van Nuys? My BAC was .13
Answer: It is possible. A .13 is fairly high (apx. 1.5 times over the legal limit), but that does not mean all is lost. There is some more info at on DUI’s. Feel free to contact me at 818-336-1DUI to discuss your it in more detail. Regardless, you should consult with a DUI attorney... Read More