DUI Court Date
Attorney Appearing on Behalf of Client At Court for Misdemeanor DUI case Question: How long do I have to wait for a DUI court date in Torrance, CA? I travel a lot for work and don’t want to miss the court date. I was pulled over for weaving. It is my first DUI arrest ever. ... Read More
If I get my DUI expunged do I have a legally clean driving record?
Question: If I get my DUI expunged, do I have a legally clean driving record so my insurance will go down? My insurance rates went up considerably after my DUI conviction and I am looking to get that lowered. Also, I drive for my employer and they are not happy about the increased rates. Answer:... Read More
Question: How hard is it to get a petty theft charge dismissed? Does it matter that the theft is in San Fernando Court? Do I have to appear?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to get petty theft charges dismissed. Call me at 818-336-1384. I would like to know a little bit more about your case to give a more specific assessment. Phil Hache, Criminal Defense & DUI Attorney www.philhachelaw.com Handling DUI and Criminal matters throughout Courts in Southern California including Van Nuys, CA,... Read More
Question: Can I fight my criminal charge in Van Nuys if I was not read my rights?
Answer: What where you arrested for? DUI? Theft? Drug charges? If they did not read your miranda rights to you, it may be possible to suppress statements you made that they could try to use against you. Phil Hache, Criminal Defense & DUI Attorney www.philhachelaw.com Handling DUI and Criminal matters throughout Courts in Southern California... Read More
Question: How can I get a theft conviction from Van Nuys expunged from my record?
Answer: It may be possible to get the theft expunged, and I would be happy to assist you with this. Contact me at 818-336-1384 if you would like to discuss in more detail. Also, there is more information about expungements at: Phil Hache, Criminal Defense & DUI Attorney www.philhachelaw.com Handling DUI and Criminal matters throughout... Read More
Question: What is the best way to prepare for a DUI charge in San Fernando court based on .07 BAC?
Answer: The best thing to do is to have an experienced DUI attorney handle this matter for you. Contact me at 818-336-1DUI if you would like to discuss the case in more detail. Some basic dui info at www.philhachelaw.com. But trying to handle a criminal dui matter in court with no court procedure experience and... Read More
Legalizing medical marijuana – Effect on Driving
Article on Legalizing medical marijuana – Effect on Driving Legalizing medical marijuana have resulted in a nearly nine percent drop in traffic deaths There are many articles about legalizing medical marijuana – effect on driving”Our research suggests that the legalization of medical marijuana reduces traffic fatalities through reducing alcohol consumption by young adults,” said Daniel Rees,... Read More