Question: What can I do to avoid an infraction for possession of marijuana? I didn’tt have much on me but do have a prior DUI from San Fernando CA from 4 years ago.
Answer: Have charges officially been filed? If they end up filing charges, hire an attorney to assist your case. I have been successful at getting charges completely dismissed in possession of marijuana cases. Are you still on probation for the DUI, or has probation ended? If it has ended, it shouldn’t have much of an... Read More
Question: I was arrested for a DUI in Sherman Oaks with a Court date coming up in Van Nuys Court. How long until the DUI will show up on my record?
Answer: Since a DUI arrest was made, that will show up on your arrest record. The disposition would show up if there ends up being a DUI or other misdemeanor or felony conviction. If there is no DUI conviction or other misdemeanor or felony conviction, then there would be no “disposition” that would show up... Read More
Question: My friend was arrested in CA for misdemeanor DUI and has an outstanding criminal warrant in georgia, but it’s coming up as dismissed.
Answer: Your friend should speak to a Criminal defense attorney in Georgia to discuss the criminal matter in Georgia in more detail. I am a little unclear of the situation. Which charge is coming up as dismissed, the DUI in Van Nuys, CA, or the underlying criminal matter Georgia Warrant? It is possible that she... Read More
Question: Traffic Violation…How can the other driver have the right of way if she has no drivers license? They are saying I am responsible.
Answer: Whether or not someone has a license does not mean that someone is or is not at fault (on it’s own) when there is an accident. Was this reported to your insurance company, as well as the DMV (depending on the amount of damage), and police to make your statement. Was anyone hurt? If... Read More
Questions: Four year ago arrested on 1st dui under 21, never went to San Fernando court. dmv in Van Nuys is bringing up the case. can i fight it?
Answer: You were arrested for DUI, but never went to court. Were charges filed? And if so, there is a failure to appear and potential warrant for your arrest. Did DMV take action against your license 5 years ago? Has your license been suspended since, or did they recently contact you to say that your... Read More
Question: Van Nuys, CA DUI , first time– what happens after DMV? conatct!!
Questions: Once a DMV hearing is timely requested, it can take a week or more for the actual DMV hearing date to get scheduled. If it has been 2 weeks, you or your attorney may want to follow up. Things can get lost in the mix at the DMV. I always advise DMV hearing requests... Read More
Question: Can my informal probation for DUI in Van Nuys be revoked if I miss my court date for driving with no license in San Fernando, CA?
Answer: Yes, by missing a court date for another misdemeanor (ie. the VC 12500 driving without a license), it is possible that your probation for DUI in Van Nuys, CA was revoked. You should contact a DUI attorney to assist you in your new case and to help recall the bench warrant (if one was... Read More