Question: Can the Van Nuys DMV suspend my license for DUI if the charges were DUI charges were dropped? The DUI criminal case was in San Fernando, CA, but the DMV hearing for DUI was in Van Nuys.

Answer: Yes, dmv hearing is seperate from any criminal matter in a dui case. If you were arrested for DUI and had your DUI case initially set for San Fernando, CA, it would be the Van Nuys DMV that would handle suspension pertaining to an APS hearing based on the DUI arrest. Phil Hache, Criminal...
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Question: Just charged with Petty Theft PC 484 charge in Van Nuys, CA for taking something from a store in Studio City, CA.. Will my informal probation for DUI be effected?

Answer: There is a possible probation violation issue. Was the 484 Petty Theft in the same jurisdiction as the past DUI conviction (ie, are they both in Van Nuys, CA)? I would recommend that you contact a Criminal Defense attorney privately to speak about your case in more detail. Call me at 818-336-1DUI if you...
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