Question: Can I get several misdemeanors DUI expunged from my record in Los Angeles, CA? What is the cost, and how much for attorney fees?

Answer: It generally costs approximately $150 for filing fees per expungement. Contact me through to discuss further. It is possible to have the convictions including DUI’s from criminal court expunged depending on some other factors. Phil Hache, DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney Handling DUI and Criminal matters throughout Courts in Southern California including...
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Question: Can police change your charges after they arrest you? I was pulled over for speeding, but then charged with DUI in San Fernando, CA. Also, not read miranda rights.

Answer: The Prosecutor can file charges against you that are different than what the arresting agency claimed they arrested you for. Also, even after charges are officially filed, a prosecutor can amend the complaint to add or take away charges. You can call me at 818-336-1384 if you would like to discuss your case in...
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