Question: Do I need an attorney if I was arrested for theft in Van Nuys, CA?
Answer: I would highly recommend hiring an attorney to defend you in this case. You want to avoid having a misdemeanor conviction on your record if possible. Call me at 818-336-1384 to discuss in further detail. My office is in Sherman Oaks, CA, down the street from the Van Nuys court. Phil Hache, DUI &... Read More
Question: How long will my probation period be for a VC 12500 Driving without a license in Metropolitan court Los Angeles, CA
Answer: That depends on your sentencing. I often can get VC 12500 driving without a license charges dismissed or reduced to an infraction, in which case there is no criminal conviction and no probation period. Phil Hache, DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney Handling DUI and Criminal matters throughout Courts in Southern California including Van... Read More
Question: Does officer have to inform you of consequences of refusal for DUI in Los Angeles, CA? I did breath test at station, but not blood test
Answer: If you complied with giving a breath test, but the breath test was not registering, the officer should not have automatically put you down as a refusal. The officer should have offered you a blood test, and told you the consequences of refusing to submit to one (ie. license loss…etc..). Call me at 818-336-1DUI... Read More
Question: If had a DUI in 1995 in San Fernando, CA. Then got another DUI in Van Nuys, CA in 2003, I was arrested then court ordered to take an AB541 but now they are saying I have to do a 6 month program because Courts changed jurisdiction?
Answer: I am also a little confused by the jurisdiction issue here. Can you clarify? Are you stating that initially your case was in one county, then they transferred it to another county? Or was it transferred to another court within the same county? Either way, it seems odd that a court would transfer your... Read More
Question: How long before I can get a DUI expunged in Van Nuys, CA, how would you do it & would I have to tell potential employers ?
Answer: If you are not on probation, and have no other pending charges, then you are eligible for an expungement on your DUI. If you are still on probation, it may be possible to get an early termination of probation in order to move forward with your expungement. Basically, I petition the Court for the... Read More
Arrested for DUI in Van Nuys, CA with a .063 and .071 BAC. Am I going to Jail?
Under VC 23152(a), it is possible to charge you and potentially convict you for a DUI even if you are under .08 BAC. The results you posted BAC levels are likely PAS test results. Did you do a Breath or Blood test at the station? Also, prosecutors often try to admit the PAS results as... Read More
Question: I have a Van Nuys, CA DUI case coming up next week. Is it too late to hire a DUI Attorney?
Answer: It is not too late to hire a DUI Attorney to handle your DUI case in Van Nuys, CA, which is up the street from my office. Call me at 818-336-1DUI (1384) if you would like to discuss your case in more detail. Phil Hache, DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney Handling DUI and... Read More