Question: Can I get h a DUI over 24 hours later after an accident in Encino, CA
Answer: Contact me by phone to discuss your case. Do not post detailed info about your case on a public website such as this as it could later be used against you if the wrong eyes see it. A few questions I will want to know, have you been charged with a DUI? If so,... Read More
Public defender won’t return calls
Public defender won’t return calls Question: I was arrested for a DUI and didn’t want to spend money on an attorney because i don’t have much money. I went to court and ended up getting a public defender. My problem now is I don’t think he is doing much on my case. When I went... Read More
DUI in San Fernando but moving
DUI in San Fernando but moving Question: I need help. I have a DUI in San Fernando but moving out of state in a couple weeks to Colorado for work. I have a DUI hearing in November at San Fernando Court. My paperwork for my dui states that I blew a .18. Is there any way... Read More
Van Nuys DUI Attorney with Payment plan
Van Nuys DUI Attorney with Payment plan Question: I was arrested for a DUI because I was weaving and on the phone when I was pulled over. I have a DUI in Van Nuys Court next month as a result of this arrest. I am looking for a Van Nuys DUI attorney with payment plan... Read More
Question: Can an attorney go to court with them for a shoplifting offense? 484 Petty Theft charge in San Fernando, would an attorney help???
Question: Although no one is forced to have an attorney handle their case, it is strongly advisable. There is a lot of variables that depend on each case and Court, but a Petty Theft can carry a maximum penalty of 6 months in jail and $1,000 fine + penalty assessment. If this is your first... Read More
Question: Will Van Nuys Court reduce my DUI if I have a 0.19 BAC level? Also, the cop didn’t read my miranda rights, does that help witht he DUI?
Answer: I would certainly recommend that you hire a qualified and experienced DUI attorney to increase your chances of that result. Although a 0.19 is a high BAC, the breath machines can be faulty, not be calibrated or maintained correctly, etc. Also, if you were not read your Miranda rights, any statements that you made... Read More
Question: Question: What can I do if my attorney is not returnig my calls for my DUI case in Van nuys, CA?
Answer: You can hire another attorney to substitute in and replace your other attorney and handle your DUI case in Van Nuys. Call me at 818-336-1384 if you want to discuss further. Phil Hache DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney Handling DUI and Criminal matters throughout Courts in Southern California including Van Nuys, San Fernando,... Read More