Question: I have a misdemeanor petty theft 484 from a year ago. And got caught again for $85. Is this a felony?
Answer: if this is your second petty theft offense, you will not be charged with a felony. If you were still on probation, you may also be charged with a probation violation. I would recommend discussing your case in more detail. Call met at 818-336-1384 to discuss further. Phil Hache DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney... Read More
Got DUI in Los Angeles but live in San Diego.
DUI in Los Angeles but live in San Diego Question: I got Driving Under the Influence charge I in Los Angeles, CA (Glendale, CA to be exact) but i live in San Diego. Do I have to drive to Los Angeles to do the alcohol class? It is my understanding that an alcohol school will... Read More
Question: Do all California DUI’s have to get an Interlock Device? Can this be avoided?
Answer: There are 4 counties in California that mandate IID devices for 1st offense DUI’s. This includes DUI convictions in Los Angeles. If you happen to be in one of those counties, the only way to avoid it, is to get the DUI charges dismissed. Call me at 818-336-1384 to discuss your case and I... Read More
Question: drank got in car accident had son in carseat not injured had suspended liscence and prior DUI in Glendale, CA 2nd DUI new one in Van Nuys, CA.
Answer: Although you didn’t ask a question here, I strongly recommend consulting with a DUI attorney. Was your license suspended due to the previous DUI, if not, how long ago was your first DUI? You face some serious potential charges, including: 2nd offense DUI, Probation violation (if you are on probation), 14601 driving on a... Read More
Question: Can i remove dui in California from my record ?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to get a DUI expunged from your record by petitioning the court pursuant to 1203.4. If granted, the conviction will show on your record as dismissed and you would not have to report it on job applications when applying to a business in the private sector. There are limitations to... Read More
Question: Is there a statue of limitations on a DUI. i had two but they are 8 and 9 years old, both in CA. One in Van Nuys CA, the other San Fernando CA
Answer: Is your question as to whether these 2 DUI’s will be counted against you in a 3rd DUI situation? Or, did you not go to Court to handle these DUI charges when they occurred? If it is the former, they were within 10 years, so if you have a 3rd DUI charge…it will be... Read More
ANSWER: Potentially no. I have had success making sure there was no jail time in second offense petty thefts out here in Southern California, so it certainly is possible. I have successfully had PC 484 Petty Theft charges in Airport Court, LAX Los Angeles, CA completely dismissed. Phil Hache DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney Read More