Question: I have a 1998 San Fernando DUI Conviction, a 2004 Malibu DUI conviction…and just got another DUI in Van Nuys. I spoke to one attorney who said I am looking at a 3rd DUI conviction with 120 or more days of jail? IS this right? Is there any way around such a long jail sentence?
Answer: In short, DUI’s (for charging purposes), stick with you for 10 years from arrest date to arrest date. If your first DUI arrest was over 10 years ago, but the 2nd offense was within 10 years, then you should be charged as a 2nd DUI, not a 3rd DUI. If there is a DUI... Read More
Question: Is it possible to get an early release from a Los Angeles DUI conviction in Van Nuys? I have 6 months left on my summary probation.
Answer: Yes, it is possible, and I have had success getting early termination of probation granted in that court. I am guessing that you would then want to follow with an expungement of the conviction if early termination of probation is granted. Call me at 818-336-1384 to discuss your case in more detail as I... Read More
Arrested for a DUI at a DUI checkpoint in Van Nuys
Question: I was a Arrested for a DUI at a DUI checkpoint in Van Nuys with a court date for DUI Van Nuys dept. 103. What does this mean? And how can this be given that I was driving fine when I went into the checkpoint. I did not try to evade the police or... Read More
Question: Can an officer take my license away after arresting me for a DUI? I don’t think I was drunk, but I have a court date for DUI in Van Nuys Court.
Answer: If you have a California License, then yes, they have authority to take your license after arresting you for a DUI. If you had an out of state license, then they do not have authority to take your license, but they often do. In those situations, it’s best to try to get it back... Read More
Question: I was convicted of a DUI in Van Nuys and now I am worried about issues with future employment. Is there anything I can do about this?c
Answer: Based on your question, I recommend that you try to get your DUI expunged. This is a process that is handled through the Court. I regularly handle expungements and have gotten expungements for DUI’s granted at Van Nuys Court. If you would like some help, contact me at 818-336-1384. Also, there is more information... Read More
Question: I have a Van Nuys DUI conviction from 2009 (1st DUI). I was pulled over in Studio City a few days ago and blew a .05. What will happen?
Answer: I need to know a bit more about your case. First, are you over 21. Second, are you still on probation from your 1st DUI offense? If you are on probation, then this will likely be filed as a probation violation. If you are under 21, then this will also probably be filed as... Read More
Question: I have a Van Nuys DUI Conviction and suspended CA drivers license from DMV. I am trying to get my CA restricted license, in the meantime, can I drive with my out of state license?
Answer: If your California license is suspended, and you got pulled over, the Cops would likely see this and charge you with a 14601 (driving on a suspended license) even though you have an out of state license. In short, I would strongly recommend not driving until you get your california Restricted license. Call me... Read More