Question: I was home for almost an hour when a Cop arrested me for a DUI in Malibu. Now I have a Court case in Malibu coming up next month? Am I going to jail?

Answer: I need to know a little more about your case, but from what you wrote, there are potential defenses in your case, including potential lack of probable cause to appear at your house, potential lack of witness observing your driving, and fighting the BAC results since you were home for a half hour after...
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Question: What will happen if I got in an accident without car insurance and on a suspended license? I also have a prior charge for suspended license that I missed the court date on. Both cases are in downtown Los Angeles Metropolitan Court

Answer: There are a lot of issues here. The potential consequences can be very high, but can be controlled to an extent. When was your accident? Is there a failure to appear on that case too, or is that court date coming up in the near future? I have handled similar cases with good results,...
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Question: I have was arrested for a DUI in Sherman Oaks and had a Van Nuys DUI Court hearing that I didn’t go to. Is there a warrant for my arrest? what should I do?

Answer: If you missed your arraignment date for a DUI and were not represented by an attorney at that hearing, it is likely that the Van Nuys Court issued a bench warrant for your arrest. Generally, the warrant needs to be addressed at Court to be recalled and quashed. I would recommend having an attorney...
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Question: I was arrested for a Minor in Possession 6 years ago in Malibu. I just received a DUI in san fernando valley two days ago. Will the Minor in possession charge count against me here?

Answer: Although the prosecutor may try to use that against you when negotiating a plea agreement, it will not increase the DUI charge you are facing. So if this is your first DUI, then it will be charged as a first DUI. So, in short, the “MIP” will not make your DUI a 2nd offense...
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