Question: Can get a DUI in San Fernando Court for being under the influence of marijuana even if I have a medical marijuana card?
Yes. It is possible to get a marijuana DUI even if you have a medical license. The medical license may give you some state rights to possess or smoke marijuana, but it doesn’t give the right to drive if intoxicated. That being said, marijuana DUI’s are often good cases to fight as there are a... Read More
Question: I was pulled over for a DUI a few months ago in Van Nuys, but wasn’t given any paperwork. Is it possible that I will not be charged with a DUI?
Answer: That is possible. You may want to check with the court that the charges would be filed, just to make sure nothing has in fact been filed. If you were pulled over in Van Nuys, check with the Van Nuys Court. On the website, there is a phone number for the criminal clerk. Go... Read More
Question: Van Nuys DUI, 23152, and the M is checked off on the citation. Also charged with driving without a license, 12500, also has an M checked off. Will the charges combine to make a worse penalty? And what is the “M” circled for?
Answer: The circled “M” on the citation stands for misdemeanor. Meaning, they are charging both offenses as misdemeanors. It is possible that the consequences for each charge will combine to increase the total penalties. I have had success entering good plea deals to get charges thrown out in cases where there is more than one... Read More
Question: I have a petty theft charge in LAX / Airport Court in Los Angeles. I took about $30 worth of merchandise. It was wrong. I feel like a fool…but I am scared to death of the idea of going to jail. Other than traffic and speeding tickets, I have no record.
Answer: Hi. First, I understand your frustration with your current situation, as well as your nervousness about the potential consequences. Good people make mistakes. It happens, and we learn from those mistakes. I would like to hear more about your case, but I have been successful on several occasions getting Petty Theft charges completely dismissed,... Read More
Question: I was convicted of a 2nd DUI in Van Nuys not to long ago. Is it possible to get a restricted license? I know I was able to get one after my 1st DUI, but that was in Metro Court in Downtown Los Angeles and do not know if that plays into it.
Answer: To answer your first question, you can get a restricted license after 90 days if you get an Interlock Device, as well as comply with other terms required by the DMV (ie. SR-22 form, issuance fee….). The law that allows that is relatively new, so this is a common question that I get a... Read More
Question: I have a pending 3rd DUI in Van Nuys Court, and was arrested for a 4th DUI in Burbank. What should I expect?
Answer: If there is a 3rd DUI conviction, the fourth could DUI could be filed as a felony (which is more serious than a misdemeanor). When was your second DUI? and are you still on probation for that? If so, that will potentially play a role in this. If you are on probation for the... Read More
Question: Van Nuys DUI. Plus a probation violation for a petty theft in San Diego a few months ago. Van Nuys DUI court date in 2 weeks. Am I gonna get hit hard for the probation violation?
Answer: There is a chance that the Van Nuys court won’t even address the probation violation. Then, if there is a conviction, the San Diego Court may or may not do something about it. Sometimes probation violations slip through the cracks, particularly when the recent conviction is in a different County than the prior conviction.... Read More