Replacing your attorney
Replacing your attorney Question: I can’t get my attorney to return my phone calls. She has not responded to any of my calls. Her secretary keeps saying she will call me back, but I have not heard from her once since I hired her almost two months ago. The first court date arraignment happened three... Read More
Question: What will it cost me to get my misdemeanors expunged from my record?
Answer: The general filing fees per expungement is $120 in l.a. county. Attorney fees can vary. I generally charge $999 for an expungement for a misdemeanor. My website is if you would like to contact me for further inquiry. Sincerely, Phil Hache DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney Handling DUI and Criminal matters throughout... Read More
Question: I received a 2nd DUI, first was in 1998. What type of penalty am I looking at for a 2nd DUI?
Answer: DUI’s for criminal court matters are compounded charges when within a 10 year period. I believe I have more info about it on But in short, if his first and only other DUI was in 1999, and his second was in 2011, then the court will charge him as if it were his... Read More
Question: I have a DUI court date in Van Nuys Court. Can I have the first court date transferred to san fernando court which is closer to where I live
Answer: If you have a Court date in Van Nuys for a DUI (ie. the citation states Van Nuys Court, and my guess it will be in Dept. 103 where most of their DUI arraignments take place), then that’s where you need to be. If you have a private attorney handling your case and you... Read More
Question: Is there a chance the judge will reduce a felony charge to a misdemeanor without having to go to trial? The Court is in Compton.
Answer: It is possible, depending on the factors of the case. Usually this would be worked out with the prosecutor prior to an actual trial on the case, in order to resolve the matter prior to trail. Contact me if you would like so we can discuss your case in more detail. Sincerely, Phil Hache... Read More
Question: For the 10 years following your DUI, at any time you are found driving with a .01 BAC or higher, are you going to get charged with a second offense DUI?
Answer: No. While you are on probation for a DUI, you can not drive with any measurable amount of alcohol in your system. Once that probation is successfully completed, you would then have the same .08 or more presumption as people who did not have a DUI. You may have been confused by how prior... Read More
Question: Is my DUI case worth fighting if my results were around a 0.15? The cop did not see me driving. I was pulled over on Ventura Blvd in Van Nuys when the cop got to my car.
Answer: Yes. Along with many other potential issues, sounds like there is a good defense since it would appear to be difficult for the prosecutor to prove you were driving. Were there any civilian witnesses who reported you were driving to the Police? Also, be sure to request your DMV hearing if you have not... Read More