Question: I have a DUI charge in San Fernando, but before that I got a 12500 charge in Van Nuys. What will happen now? Do I have to go to both court dates? Should I hire an attorney.

Answer: In my opinion, yes, you should hire an attorney. Either you (or your attorney) needs to appear at the Court dates in San Fernando and Van Nuys unless the Courts combine the cases. It’s possible that you may be able to get charges dismissed, but, I need more info to give a more specific...
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Question: Why did I get a DUI…I only had a few beers and was driving fine. Will it get dismissed? I am scared to go to Court. My friend had a DUI in Van Nuys and went to jail.

Answer: Well, it’s hard to say what will happen with your DUI case in Van Nuys court without having more information. Call me or email me so I can better assist you in at least giving you some direction on what to expect. Sincerely, Phil Hache DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney Handling DUI and...
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Question: I received a DUI and have a hearing coming up in San Fernando. Will they take me into custody at the hearing? It’s a first offense DUI with a .08 BAC

Answer: It is unlikely they will take you into custody at the arraignment based on what you listed in your question. Sounds like you were either released on O.R. (own recognizance) or released on bail. If you show up at the arraignment (or have your attorney show up on your behalf assuming you were charged...
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