I was supposed to enroll in my DUI class by 9/1/10 but have not yet, is this an issue?
Question: I was supposed to enroll in my DUI class by 9/1/10 but have not yet, is this an issue? My case is Van Nuys Court and I know the Judge told me the dates, but it slipped my mind. When I called the program they said that my paperwork was too old so they... Read More
What is the point of a DMV hearing if I am charged with a DUI?
If you were arrested for a DUI, it is important for you or your attorney to protect your license and request a DMV hearign within 10 days.
Do you handle DUI charges in San Fernando Court? This is a 2nd DUI offense.
Question: Do you handle DUI charges in San Fernando Court? This is a 2nd DUI offense. I was arrested for a first offense DUI about five years ago. There was no accident or anyone injured. I am really nervous because I know that if I am convicted I am looking at a lot of jail... Read More
Is it possible to terminate my dui probation in California?
Question: Hi, I was convicted of a DUI in Santa Clarita Court 2 years ago and placed on probation for a total of 3 years. I was recently offered a job but the employer is saying that I can not be on probation and need to clean of my criminal before they hire me. So... Read More
Can my son be charged for a DUI in California for smoking pot, then driving the next day?
Question: My son was recently arrested for DUI based on marijuana. He had no alcohol in his system. My son told me, and I believe him, that although he smoked weed the day before his arrest had not consumed ANYTHING the day of his arrest. He was pulled over for weaving but instead of giving... Read More
Is Van Nuys Court tough on DUI’s (23152 charge)?
Question: Is Van Nuys Court tough on DUI’s (23152 charge)? I was arrested and have a first DUI case in Van Nuys Court coming up. I have spoken to another attorney (although I don’t feel she handles many DUI cases) who said that Van Nuys is the hardest on DUI’s in all of Los Angeles... Read More
Is it likely that my DUI charges could be dropped if I had around a .08 BAC?
You can be charged with a DUI even if the result of a breath or blood test was below a .08 BAC. Call me at 818-336-1384 for a free consultation.