Can I leave California while on summary probation for a DUI in Van Nuys, CA
Question: Can I leave California while on summary probation for a DUI in Van Nuys, CA Answer: It depends on the terms of your DUI probation. Often on summary probation there is no term that says they can not leave the state. Sincerely, Phil Hache DUI & Criminal Defense Lawyer
Drug DUI in Los Angeles because officers believed i was high
Drug DUI in Los Angeles because officers believed i was high Question: I am a medicinal marijuana card holder as recommended by a doctor for anxiety. I have not smoked in a month but the officers who arrested me for Drug DUI because they believed I was high because my eyes were ‘red’ and pupils... Read More
Jail time for an extreme DUI
Jail time for an extreme DUI Question: How much jail time for an extreme DUI in San Fernando, CA? I was arrested the other night in San Fernando for DUI and I did the breath tests and they told me the result was a 2.6 or something like that. They said it was over 4... Read More
Missed DMV hearing for DUI in Van Nuys can i get a new hearing
Question: If I missed my DMV hearing is it possible to get it rescheduled or do I have to deal with not having a license for a whole year? Answer: If you were given a 30 temporary license at the time of your arrest, and failed to request a hearing in time, or had a... Read More
DMV made an error on my record and posted 3 DUI
Question: In 1999, I got a DUI in California, nine years later, I got another DUI in Southern California along with a refusal do the breathalyzer or take a blood test. I received a letter from the DMV in Van Nuys stating that my license was suspended for 2 years, I completed my program for... Read More
Am i allowed to drink on an informal dui probation
Question: Am i allowed to drink on an informal dui probation? I was convicted for the DUI in Van Nuys, CA a few months back. I was told at my alcohol course that anyone with a DUI conviction is barred from drinking at all while on probation in all circumstances. Answer: Who ever told you... Read More
DUI and forced driving by officer
Question: If a police officer asks a parent to get their kid to drive home while intoxicated and they get a dui after that, can the DUI get dismissed because she would not have driven if the officer didn’t force her to. Answer: Did the officer tell the parent to relay to their kid to... Read More