Is having a DMV hearing for DUI a good idea
Question: This is my first time for a DUI in Van Nuys, CA. I was never arrested. Do you still have to make a DMV hearing in 10 days? Is this even a good idea? Answer: Yes. It is a very good idea to timely request a DMV hearing to fight the drivers license (from... Read More
If I didn't drive can I beat a DUI charge from Woodland Hills, CA
Question: If I didn’t drive can I beat a DUI charge from Woodland Hills, CA? I was wasted and someone I met at a bar was supposed to be driving me home and then I was going to pay for his cab home. Next thing I know he hits a curb, then a fence…tire popped,... Read More
DUI Drug case in Santa Clarita, CA
Question: I have a 2nd DUI case in Santa Clarita, CA. No alcohol, but drug DUI. How should I proceed from here? 1st DUI was alcohol in San Fernando, CA Answer: I think Drug DUI cases are often easier to defend than alcohol DUI cases (assuming the driving is not horrendous). Of course, I have... Read More
DUI in Los Angeles but moving out of state
Question: I was convicted of a DUI in Los Angeles County, CA, but I am moving to NV and haven’t done my 3 month alcohol course. What can I do? Answer: Have your DUI Attorney see if they can get your alcohol class transferred to NV. There will still be issues with the DMV, but... Read More
1st DUI w/ Serious Bodily Injury to Another
Question: I was charged with DUI in Burbank Court w/ Serious Bodily Injury to Another. What can happen to me?\ Answer: Contact me to discuss further. Serious bodily injury can definitely result in increased charge(s), penalty as well as restitution issues down the road. Often, these are charged as VC 23153, and can be charged... Read More
2nd DUI how do i get my drivers license back
Question: What steps do I need to take to get my drivers license back now that it has been 2 1/2 years since my last (2nd) DUI in Burbank? Also, I have a first DUI in Glendale, CA if that matters. And a few other traffic tickets in Los Angeles County since then too, but... Read More
Red light camera ticket with suspended license for DUI
Question: I got ticketed from a red light camera in Van Nuys while my drivers license was suspended for DUI in San Fernando CA. Will I get charged with driving on a suspended DL? Answer: It is possible. Red light camera tickets are an interesting legal cases at the moment as far as infraction tickets... Read More