4th driving on a suspended license

Question: I just got stopped for my 4th driving on suspended license in Los Angeles, CA. What are the consequence of this? Do I need a defense lawyer? Answer: This is a situation where you should talk to an attorney, but safe to say you should hire a criminal defense attorney to handle this. There...
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can i appeal my 2nd dui conviction?

Question: I was convicted of a 2nd DUI in Glendale, CA. Can I appeal the DUI conviction? What has to have happened to appeal the DUI conviction? Answer: There are many reasons why one would appeal a trial. But the key thing is, you don’t appeal a “plea” (although it is possible to withdraw a...
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Theft case and citizenship

Question: If i get a misdemeanor for theft in San Fernando, CA and I get probation can still legalize in the united states? Answer: You should consult with an immigration attorney. I am not an immigration attorney. I handle DUI and Criminal defense. But, it is my understanding that one cannot become a U.S. Citizen...
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Out of state prior DUI

Question: Since i deferred and completed my deferred prosecution in Washington state on my first DUI, everything says it was “dismissed”. Even got a letter from the judge. I found out I received another DUI in San Fernando, CA. Can I be charged with a 2nd DUI? Answer: If there was no conviction on the...
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