Am I eligible for a DUI to be expunged on my record?
Question: I was convicted of a DUI in 2009, my fees are paid in full and my probation is complete. Am I eligible for the DUI to be expunged from my record? How much does it cost and how long does it take? Answer: If you have completed all the terms of your probation successfully... Read More
lost driving privileges for 2nd DUI offense
Question: What driving privileges will I lose for 2nd DUI in San Fernando? Answer: That depends on many variables in your DUI case, including, was there a refusal to give a breath or blood test issue? are you under 21 years old? Were you on probation at the time of the DUI arrest? is it... Read More
DUI charges and representing yourself in Van Nuys, CA
Question: Question: Can I represent myself in court for my first offense DUI in Van Nuys, CA?? Answer: Yes, but I would highly recommend that you hire a bDUI defense attorney in your area that is familiar with DUI defense. Knowledge of court procedure and forensic toxicology are necessary to properly defend against most DUI... Read More
DUI out of state
Question: I lived outside of California, but got convicted of a DUI in Los Angeles, CA and they said my license is suspended. Is my out of state license suspended? Answer: in regards to a license suspension, there are a few states that are not part of the DMV compact and don’t share records. So... Read More
withdrawing plea in DUI case
Question: How do I withdraw request for jury trial and enter deal for my Van Nuys DUI case? Answer: Call your lawyer to go to Court and change your plea. Call me if you want to discuss further. Sincerely, Phil Hache DUI & Criminal Defense Lawyer
video and audio recordings after DUI arrest
Question: How do I attain get video/audio recordings of my DUI arrest in Encino, CA? The officer said I was weaving, but I know I was not. Answer: Generally your DUI Attorney would get those through the proceedings by filing discover requests followed by motions to compel discovery if it is not being turned over... Read More
DUI case continuing
Question: My Los Angeles DUI case has been going on for 4v months already. Why is my DUI attorney dragging it on??? Answer: You should talk to your DUI lawyer about why your case is getting continued. A likely reason would be because he is trying to get additional discovery from the prosecutor to try... Read More