lower charges on 2nd DUI

Question: Can I lower down my DUI charges in San Fernando, CA even on a 2nd DUI? Answer: It is possible to lower DUI charges even on on 2nd offense. Call me at 818-336-1384 if you want to speak further about your 2nd DUI case in San Fernando, CA. Sincerely, Phil Hache DUI & Criminal...
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License suspension with 1st DUI

Question: Will I get a drivers license suspension on first DUI in Van Nuys, CA? Answer: Yes. If you are convicted of a first offense DUI in CA there is a minimum 6 month license suspension. You would be eligible for a restricted license as long as there is no refusal. In Los Angeles county...
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requested blood test after DUI

Question: DUI -Gps malfunctioned and got lost – NO traffic citations or moving violations. I requested to blow and have blood test – blew .06 – On the consent form, I asked to have an independent blood test bc of reliability/validity and was told “no”. Can I Motion to Suppress Evidence? Answer: A .06 BAC...
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