contact DMV upon DUI charge

Question: Do I need to contact DMV upon DUI charge in Van Nuys? Answer: You or your attorney will need to contact the DMV within 10 days of arrest to request a DMV hearing to fight your drivers license suspension and get a new temporary license. I strongly recommend you have an attorney handle this...
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traveling abroad with DUI conviction

Question: Can I travel to Europe with a DUI conviction from Los Angeles? Answer: I would recommend contacting an immigration attorney, or perhaps the consulates/embassy websites of the countries you are traveling too. In some countries (ie. Canada), traveling with a pending DUI or DUI conviction can create problems. From my past research on this...
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getting dui restricted license

Question: I was convicted of a DUI in Burbank a while back. Do i just have to make a request over the phone to add to go to interview, or local dmv? is it worth it to do that or there are lots of waiting and paper work involved that? Answer:I am not clear on...
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2nd DUI in los angeles

Question: My boyfriend got his 2nd DUI in Los Angeles, CA a few months ago. His first DUI was in Van Nuys. Will Los Angeles Metropolitan court know about the DUI in Van Nuys? and he got a warrant for his arrest a few weeks ago because he didn’t pay the fines. He disappeared today...
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DUI trial with .09 BAC

Question: What are the chances of winning the DUI case with a BAC of 0.09 and reasonable field sobriety test in Van Nuys, CA if i were to go trial? Answer: Sounds like you have a good DUI case to defend, but there are so many variables to consider, you would need to speak to...
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