DUI trial or no trial retainer
Question: I am charged with DUI in San Francisco, CA and currently I have only spoken to one DUI lawyer. After giving me the total price of how much it will cost to work with them, he said if the case moves to a trial, it will cost ‘X’ more dollars. Is this normal or... Read More
have not paid DUI fines
Question: I was convicted with dui in San Fernando, CA in 2011. I have made payments, but still have $600 owed. should i get a DUI lawyer for my next court date? Answer: Need more info to assess. Call me. Sincerely, Phil Hache DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney
DUI outside of California
Question: I got a DUI in Van Nuys, CA 10 years ago. I got another DUI while visiting OH (I still live in Van Nuys, CA). I don’t have any other DUIs or other convictions. I did not take the breathalyzer or blood test. How can I fight this? Should I hire a DUI attorney... Read More
DUI and license suspension outside of California
Question: Can i get a drivers license in los angeles if i have had a DUI in another state and my drivers license is suspended there? Answer: if you have a suspended license in one state based on a DUI conviction, and both states are in the compact (which means that they share DMV records….and... Read More
DUI charge if not arrested
Question: Can you be charged for a DUI in Los Angeles after the fact if no Breath, blood or urine test were taken and the officer let me go without arresting me or giving me a ticket? Answer: Although it may be possible to get charged, based on what you wrote, very unlikely (and at... Read More
Changing community service
Question: I am to complete 48 hrs of community service, but I found a job and will have no time to finish my community service. Will the California court allow me to change my option from community service to paying a fine? Answer: Depending on the court and situation, how to get this switched can... Read More
How long until a DUI can be expunged
How long until a DUI can be expunged Question: How long until a DUI can be expunged? I was convicted of a DUI in San Fernando two years ago. The court said that I had to do a lot of things for the penalty which I did. I am now hoping to get the dui conviction... Read More