DUI for driving on private property

Question: I was arrested in Burbank, CA fir DUI on private propority driving a golf cart. After being jailed then brought to court on Monday on a dui went to court they said they had nothing to hold me. What happens now? Answer: Need more info on what happened. Was complaint filed? Did they release...
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Missed Court date

Missed Court date Question: What can I do if I miss my court date for DUI in Van Nuys, CA?  My court date was a while back.  I new I had the court date coming up but I was really nervous about and was sick on the day of the hearing.  Now a few months...
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jail time for drug paraphernalia

Question: What’s the jail time for drug paraphernalia in Los Angeles, CA? Answer: It depends. I may be able to help you avoid jail time altogether. What court in L.A. is your drug paraphernalia case in? What was found, where was it found, and under what circumstances was it found? Do you have any drug...
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Marijuana DUI Bill in Colorado

In Colorado, a bill establishing a “per se” marijuana DUI law has passed the Sate Senate and now heads to the State House. Currently there is no DUI per se charge for people who drive under the influence of drugs in Colorado. Under the proposed bill, drivers whose blood contains five nanograms or more of...
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under 21 DUI critical needs license

Question: Is it possible for me to request a restricted license to drive to work/school if under 21? I was involved in a car accident in Reseda with me as the driver and I complied to a BAC breatherlizer test in which the result was %0.019. Answer: First, yes, it is possible (but can be...
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