DUI while pregnant

Question: If am pregnant and i have a DUI in Van Nuys, CA. Will the judge be lenient on me because I am pregnant and remove the DUI? Answer: I don’t think that a prosecutor or a judge is going to go easy on you because you are pregnant. And it does raise eyebrows… I...
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Can I get DUI as a passenger

Can I get DUI as a passenger Question: I was pulled over for DUI after leaving a bar in Studio City with my husband. I was told that I was speeding. The officer went to the passenger side and asked my husband if he would consent to a field sobriety test. He said no. the officer...
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speedy dui trial

Question: I don’t understand the term “speedy trial”…if the trial has not taken place in a certain amount of time, are there grounds for dismissal? What if the DUI charges were filed, then dismissed and refiled as a 2nd DUI? The DUI case is in Van Nuys. My license was already suspended by Van Nuys...
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